Wednesday 13 February 2013

Quotes by Dadasri (an enlightened sage from Gujarat)

  1. The presence of brahmacharya in the mind, the body and the speech results in wonderful power of mind, wonderful power of body and wonderful power of the speech.
  2. If ever there is an occasion for a severe testing of your resolve of brahmacharya, if there is strong sexual attraction and inclination, then one should fast two to three times. When the force of unfolding karma is very strong, fasting can stop them. Fasting does not destroy these sexual passions completely
  3. After attaining the bliss of the Self , the pleasures of sex become and redundant, just as a cup of tea looses its sweetness after having had a sweet dessert. The higher the order of bliss the less appealing the routine of the physical aspects of sexual pleasures. The enjoyment of food is not prohibited. There is no good to be attained in the enjoyment of sexual impulses. Know that it is merely an aspect of imaginations.
  4. Questioner: Psychology says that once you have had your fill of ice cream to the point of full satisfaction, you do not feel like eating it again. Dadashri: That is not possible in this world. On the contrary, you will feel like eating again. But, if somebody keeps feeding you something that you do not like at all, again and again, then it will induce vomiting and the intake will stop. In sexuality, the more a person enjoys it, the more burning becomes his desire for it. By not getting involved in the sexual act, one may become uneasy and unsettled for a month or two. However loss of familiarity is the key. With the loss of familiarity one will forget sexuality totally.  It is not possible for a person enjoying sex to get rid of the desire for it. Hence, research of the scriptures done by people in our country, has led to the discovery that the path of brahmacharya is the best. The best cure is to become unfamiliar with sex. Once you stay away from sex for one or two years, then you forget all about it. That is the nature of the mind. If it goes near it, it will become restless. The mind has been separated from its familiarity. If ‘You’(the Self) stay  separate from it, then the mind stays away from it and therefore it will forget it forever. It will never remember it again. It will not go there even if you want it to. Do you understand that? It is like if you stayed away from your friend for two years then your mind will forget him.
  5. Sex is such a thing that one day’s sexuality would not let one attain any meaningful concentration on anything for three days. There would be instability in the concentration, focus and task at hand. When one abstains from all forms of sexuality for a month, his stability in concentration and focus is greatly improved.
  6. After the unbearable heat of a day why is it that the cattle soak in the dirty muddy waters? The  deep desire forcoolness from heat makes them forget the stench of the dirty muddy water. Similarly modern day humans who suffer from the constant struggles and tensions of daily life at work and at at home, seek a diversion from the fire of such tensions and a release through sex and forget its consequences over and over again! After terminating the enjoyment of a sexual act, even the strongest of man becomes a temporary weakling and appears near dead! What did he gain from it?
  7. Atmasookh…the bliss of the Self versus Vishayasookh… the pleasure of sex. After attaining the bliss of the Self , the pleasures of sex become and redundant, just as a cup of tea looses its sweetness after having had a sweet dessert. The higher the order of bliss the lessappealing the routine of the physical aspects of sexual pleasures.  The enjoyment of food is not prohibited.There is no good to be attained in the enjoyment of sexual impulses. Know that it is merely an aspect of imaginations.
  8. Man has the wrong belief of pleasure existing in sex. Now, if you experience greater happiness and pleasure in something other than sex, then you would not seek pleasure in sex. There is no happiness in sex but there is no other option for the humans in worldly interactions. Otherwise who would knowingly open the lid of a gutter? If there were happiness in sex, Chakravatis (kings of continents) with so many queens, would not have set out in search of real happiness. With Gnan, Self-realization you attain eternal bliss.
  9. Sexual impulse…Vishaya…impedes the bliss of the Self. It makes a human being plunge into the garbageheap of the five senses with senseless fervour. Human birth has the potential for the realization of the supreme bliss of true freedom but alas, out of sheer ignorance of this potential, one gets stuck in ever increasing pile of garbage of sexuality and its consequences of life after life. Even animals do not prefer such garbage.
  10. Vishaya…sexual inclination is not a consequence of intellect. It is a consequence of the distorted mind.Therefore, with the help of buddhiit can be overcome and conquered.
  11. It is not possible for man to stay niralumb…independant and not wanting anything.Only a Gnani Purush… the Awakened One can stay niralumb. All the rest have asked for a wife, son etc.,in their previous lives according to their buddhi…prevailing intellect. They had just asked for…desired a womanbut along with comes the entire entourage of mother-in-law, father in law, brother in law, sister-in law, uncles, andaunts from her side !! Wait a minute, he says, ” I had only wanted a wife ! ” Did you not know that she was going to bring with her a whole gang of other relations ?” This is called bebhaanpanu…ignorance of the self. Not an iota ofthe thought of the consequences of the desire of sex !! And thereafter his life is like the ox that goes round and round labouring at the grain mill !
  12. Vishaya…sexuality is poison. Once identified as a poison would anyone touch it ?If there is anything that needs to be feared in this world, it is this poison of  Vishaya. It is worse than all the snakes and fearful animals of this world. And yet the ignorant of this world consider it the potion of supreme pleasure! Where is the end of ignorance and its opinions?
  13. Vishaya…sexuality is vikruti…non self, not necessary for the bliss of the Self.It is simply a toy of the mind!
  14. Vishaya…sexual culmination is sundaas…excretory toilet. But, because he becomes tanmayakaar…doer of the act…ie, “I am having fun in this act “, he lays new causal seeds for more of the same and its associated consequences mentioned above, life after life.
  15. Indeed, the Atma…Soul is eternally asexual and in brahmacharya.The Soul has never enjoyed vishaya…sexAtma is sookshmatum…the subtlest of the subtle, whereas vishaya…sex is sthoola…gross.The subtle can never interact, enjoy the gross.
  16. More here.